Are you considering, or been approached to join, Mornington Rotary?
Here’s some information to help you appreciate the lifelong opportunities that Rotary provides.
The fundamentals of Rotary have not changed much in over 110 years, but the way it operates has.
The Rotary Club of Mornington still operates with a brief weekly meeting, over dinner,  (Wednesdays 6.30 to 8pm) three nights in the month. We recognise that our members are busy people, travel, have business commitments,  and can’t be there every week. But our meeting program helps keep members informed about what is taking place in the club, community, nation, and world. And it’s the place to enjoy the friendship of like- minded but diverse people.
Our first meeting each month features a guest speaker and is open to all partners, friends, sponsors and supporters. Most of the clubs’ other opportunities for involvement are based around community projects,  conducted at various times, including the Annual Art Show in January each year.
More information appears on our website or you can follow us on facebook.
Below are some of the main reasons why Mornington Rotary might be right for you.
The Opportunity to Serve
Rotary is fundamentally a service club, its motto is “service above self”. Members experience the fulfilment that comes from giving back.  Service programs in both the local and international communities address health care, hunger and poverty, illiteracy, disaster relief, and the environment,.
Professional Networking
Rotary provides the opportunity to connect with other professions in the Mornington community.
A founding principle of Rotary was to provide a forum for leaders in business, industry, the professions, the arts, government, education, health sport, and the military. That hasn’t changed.
Personal Growth and Development
Membership of Mornington Rotary offers continuing personal and professional development. Leadership, public speaking and communication, organisation and planning, team building, and fundraising, can be exercised and enhanced through Rotary. Rotary provides an opportunity to mentor others and share your accumulated skills and experience.  
Friendship was a primary reason Rotary was started in 1905, and it remains a major attraction. The Rotary Club of Mornington has an active social program. Especially if you have just moved to Mornington we can provide enjoyable social engagement with other local community members.
Rotary Conferences, conventions, assemblies, and social events provide entertainment as well as Rotary information and travel opportunities.
A Global Perspective
With more than 30,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries, Rotary’s expansive network of clubs and programs provides extensive opportunities for service and interchange, and an understanding of humanitarian issues.  We have a significant impact on international issues through international service projects and exchange programs overseen by Rotary International and its Foundation. The promotion of peace is one of Rotary’s highest objectives.
Rotary sponsors some of the world’s largest youth exchange, educational exchange and scholarship programs that support the development of future leaders.
An Ethical and Genuine Culture
Rotary helps to build community as well as enduring friendships. Clubs are open to members of every ethnic group, political persuasion, language, and religious belief. Female members are especially encouraged.
Rotarians practice a Four Way Test that measures words and actions by their truthfulness, fairness, goodwill, and benefit to all. Encouraging high ethical standards has been a hallmark of Rotary from its inception  
The Rotary Club of Mornington - A Proud Heritage
The Rotary Club of Mornington was the first club established on the Mornington Peninsula in 1947.
Its list of achievements is extensive but the two most recognised are its Annual Art Show and initiation of Australian Rotary Health.
In its 48th year in 2020 the Annual Art Show is held in the lead up to the Australia Day weekend. It is the largest on the Peninsula and second largest in the State. It has raised over $1.2m for investment in Rotary Projects. (more details at )
In the early 1980’s the Rotary Club of Mornington initiated medical research into Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. That initial research broadened to medical research throughout Australia and became the Australian Rotary Health Foundation. Since inception it has raised over $46m. Since 2000 its focus has been mental health. (more details at )
As a club we can achieve things individuals can only dream of. Please join us at a dinner meeting to experience why Rotary might be right for you.
Understanding more about Rotary International
To understand more about Rotary international we have reproduced below its vision, values, the Four Way Test, its objectives and its four avenues of service.
We have also reproduced the six objectives of the Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s International Trust that has invested more than $4 billion in international life changing and saving projects since its inception.
Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe in our own communities and in ourselves
Fellowship, integrity, diversity, service & leadership
The Four Way Test
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Objects of Rotary
To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis or worthy enterprise, and in particular to encourage and foster
  1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service
  2. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to service society
  3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business and community life
  4. The advancement of International understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Four Avenues of Service
  1. Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effective functioning of the club.
  2. Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical   standards.
  3. Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community.
  4. International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary's humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.
Six Areas of Focus of the Rotary Foundation
  1. Promote Peace - Peace & conflict prevention  / resolution
  2. Fight Disease - Disease prevention and treatment
  3. Provide Clean Water & sanitation
  4. Save mothers and children  Maternal & Child Health
  5. Support education - Basic Education & Literacy
  6. Grow local economies - Economic & Community Development